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By visiting and accessing our website, SITS7.com, you agree to abide by the basic rules of web etiquette and the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
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    Content courtesy of SITS7.com/CTRussell.com ©1996–2010

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Although the text to the "Studies in the Scriptures" (formerly "Millennial Dawn") and "Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices" are no longer under copyright, nevertheless the cumulative text content, layout, PDFs, graphics, scripts, features, functions, modifications, et. al. which appear on the SITS7.com, CTRussell.com, and Pastor-Russell.com websites are considered intellectual property and protected under copyright laws in most countries.

Bottom line: don't do anything with our website that you would not like others doing to you or yours. Thanks!